Results = Regimentation + Repetition + Ritualization
- Amir Siddiqui (Check him out on FB )
While he was talking about training in the gym, isn't the same true for training in writing too? To see any results in writing, we need to have to regiment our day, repeat it everyday and have a ritual that spurs us on to write. Read to know more about some popular writing rituals.
"Rituals that bring us together and that help us map out the patterns of our days are far more vital than you’d think. Without mundane time-milestones like breakfast, lunch, dinner, weekends, a yearly vacation, and a periodic raise, we can go crazy. Those who suffer from structure deprivation fill the emptiness of chaotic hours with alcohol, gambling, compulsive shopping, compulsive eating, and even with compulsive picking at every micro-hillock of skin their restless fingers can find and try to pry loose." --- Howard Bloom
I hated being regimented during my childhood. My mother had these strict hours she followed (and made us follow) everyday for meals and sleep. Our study time and TV time were fixed and unchangeable. This bled into the weekends too. While we fought and argued about it with her many times, it did bring in big results in my life and my brother's too. For starters, we were toppers in school and college all through our life. We were healthy and happy. We had various family rituals of togetherness, festival rituals and vacation rituals which are a part of our most cherished memories now. As the years sped by, these rituals became habits and they remained so till we got married.
Suddenly, we were no longer in the military rule. We were completely free. We could sleep in the entire day, have a bath at any odd hour, no one will ask us to switch off the television, we can order in any day, any time we like and we could eat anywhere (even on our bed) at anytime we please. Since my brother and I are self employed, this also means we can goof off as no one monitors the hours we work. This seemed like the ultimate bliss. I did live by this laissez-faire approach for a few years till I realised babies thrive on routine. Either you create a routine for them or else they would create one that might not be so pleasant for you. Rituals and routines came back into my life but were never regimented like before. If they had been, then my writing would have been on another plane now.
I sorely miss the order and routine my mother had got into my life. My brother and I had such perfect habits as children. We woke up at the same time every day, we watched half an hour of television at the same time every day, we studied for the same number of hours at the same time every day irrespective of whether we had exams the next day or not and we went to bed at the same time too. (We got an extra hour on weekends!)
I think it is time I regimented my life again. The last experiment I had tried was to write every day, at least a 100 words, in the current fiction project on hand and I have been successfully pulling it off for the last few months. The mental peace and emotional satisfaction from this achievement have been awesome. Now, the next challenge is to take it further. I'm planning to have a daily routine and structure, that will be followed with strict discipline, for all those mundane every day activities like sleep, meals, etc. so that my time can give way for those life-changing dreams like writing, a fit body and knowledge. I'll keep you all updated on how it goes.
Meanwhile, do you have daily routines, writing rituals, etc.? Share them here to inspire me.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Monday, December 1, 2014
Lessons learnt from Nanowrimo - Wordcount Obsession
‘What is this obsession with wordcount? Does wordcount
count?’ I have wondered many times. Did Shakespeare think of it? Did Doris
Lessing count her words every day? Does Jhumpa Lahiri do it? Is NaNoWriMo
actually making a big difference in the lives of innumerable writers? Are we
sacrificing quality for quantity? With all these questions haunting my mind, I
picked up ‘Ernest Hemingway on Writing’
yesterday. It has a place right in the front of my bookshelf because I pick it
up often, open any page randomly for a dose of inspiration. You can compare
this to taking a cowboy taking a swig out of the whisky flask just before he
kicks off on his horse. This time, I got this…
“I loved to write very
much and was never happier than doing it. Charlie’s (Scribner’s) ridiculing of
my daily word count was because he did not understand me or writing especially
well nor could know how happy one felt to have put down properly 422 words as
you wanted them to be. And days of 1200 or 2700 were something that made you
happier than you could believe. Since I found that 400 to 600 well done was a
pace I could hold much better was always happy with that number. But if I only
had 320 I felt good.”
Then the prolific Stephen King says in his book ‘Stephen King on Writing’,
“I like to get 10
pages a day – amounts to 2000 words – only under dire circumstances do I allow
myself to shut down before I get my 2000 words.”
Suddenly it struck me that R.K.Narayan also says in his book
‘My Days’ that he sticks to 1000
words a day every day. Nanowrimo asks for just 1667 words a day. It’s just that
we have days when we skip it, laze it and then end up doing 5000 – 10000 words
to catch up. When we skip these goals in our everyday life, there is no
Nanowrimo to hold us accountable. We should have a Nanowrimo every month.
Writing is a lonely profession with no fixed salaries,
recognition or instant credit. It is easy for one to lose focus on the way and
go astray. It is easy to grow lazy and hard to overcome the tedium. Every
November, a jolt hits us, shakes us up, gets us writing and reaffirms our faith
in ourselves. Even today, I had to force myself to say ‘no’ to an outing with
friends. Writing needs to shift from my back seat to my front seat. In fact, I think
I should allow it into the driver’s seat and take my life in the direction that
it should actually be going.
“If you have the opportunity to live an extraordinary life,
you have no right to keep it to yourself”
Jacques Cousteau
December has now dawned on us – the month of revisions and
editing. I wonder what the new year is to bring and I pray and hope that it is
writing, writing and more writing with a bit of publishing (*fingers crossed)
thrown in.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Mastery by Robert Greene – A Summary (Part IV)
Chapter IV See People as they are: Social Intelligence
The greatest obstacle to the pursuit of mastery comes from
the emotional drain we experience in dealing with the resistance and
manipulations of the people around us. Social Intelligence is the ability to
see people in the most realistic light possible. Navigating smoothly the social
environment, we have more time and energy to focus on learning and acquiring
skills. Success attained without this intelligence is not true mastery, and
will not last.
When interacting with people, view them from a detached
position and do not get emotional. Focus completely on the people and cut off
your own insecurities and desires from the equation. Have complete and radical
acceptance of human nature just as how one accepts the thorns on a rose. To get
upset or try to alter them is futile – it will only make them bitter and
“You must allow
everyone the right to exist in accordance with the character he has, whatever
it turns out to be: and all you should strive to do is to make use of this character
in such a way as its kind of nature permits, rather than to hope for any
alteration in it, or to condemn it offhand for what it is. This is the truest
sense of the maxim – Live and let live… To become indignant at (people’s)
conduct is as foolish as to be angry with a stone because it rolls into your
path. And with many people the wisest thing you can do, is to resolve to make
use of those whom you cannot alter.”
Benjamin Franklin was hopelessly naïve and completely
misread the intentions of people around him. After facing many problems, he
took efforts to gain social intelligence and that became the turning point of
his career. With tranquil and productive social relations, he could focus more
of his time and attention to writing, to questions of science, ti his endless
inventions – to mastery.
Your view of people is dominated by the Naïve Perspective. Following Franklin’s example, you can
reach this awareness by reviewing your past, paying particular attention to any
battles, mistakes, tensions, or disappointments on the social front. If you
look at these events from the Naïve Perspective, you will focus only on what
other people have done to you – the mistreatments you endured fr5om them, the
slights or injuries you felt. Instead you must turn this around and begin with yourself
– how you saw in others qualities they did not possess, or how you ignored
signs of a dark side to their nature. In doing this, you will be able to see
the discrepancy between your illusions about who they are and the reality, and
the role you played in creating this discrepancy. If you look closely enough,
you can often perceive in your relationships with bosses or superiors re-enactments
of the childhood family dynamic – the
idealizing or demonizing that has become habitual.
Adjust your attitude but do not become cynical. The best
attitude is one of supreme acceptance. Observe the human comedy and be as
tolerant as possible. Social intelligence contains two components – general knowledge
of human nature and specific knowledge of human nature. The deep analysis of these
two components need to be read in full and practised as they are too valuable
to be summarised.
Strategies for
acquiring Social Intelligence
Speak through your work
Understand that your work is the single
greatest means at your disposal for expressing your social intelligence. By being
efficient and detail oriented in what you do, you demonstrate that you are
thinking of the group at large and advancing its cause. By making what you
write or present clear and easy to follow, you show your care for the audience
or public at large. By involving other people in your projects and gracefully
accepting their feedback, you reveal your comfort with the group dynamic. Work that
is solid also protects you from the political conniving and malevolence of
others – it is hard to argue with the results you produce. If you are
experiencing the pressures of political manoeuvring within the group, do not
lose your head and become consumed with all of the pettiness. By remaining
focused and speaking socially through your work, you will both continue to
raise your skill level and stand out among all others who make a lot of noise
but produce nothing.
Craft the appropriate persona
Understand that people will tend to judge
you based on your outward appearance. If you are not careful and simply assume
that it is best to be yourself, they will begin to ascribe to you all kinds of
qualities that have little to do with who you are but correspond to what they
want to see. All of this can confuse you, make you feel insecure, and consume
your attention. Internalizing their judgements, you will find it hard to focus
on your work. Your only protection is to turn this around by consciously moulding
these appearances, creating the image that suits you, and controlling people’s
judgments. At times you will find it appropriate to stand back and create some
mystery around you, heightening your presence. At other times you will want to
be more direct and impose a more specific appearance. In general, you never
settle on one image or give people the power to completely figure you out. You are
always one step ahead of the public.
Creating such a persona is not evil or
demonic. We all wear masks in the social arena, playing different roles in
different environments. You are simply becoming more conscious of the process.
Play to the public. Give them something compelling and pleasurable to witness.
See yourself as others see you
We all have social flaws like that we talk
too much or are too honest in our criticisms of people offense too easily when
others do not respond positively to our ideas. If we repeat instances of such behaviour
often enough, we tend to offend people without ever really knowing why.
We need to learn to see ourselves
objectively. To do this, we should look at negative events in the past unemotionally.
Dissect these occurrences and see what you did that either triggered or
worsened the dynamic. In looking at several such incidents, we might begin to
see a pattern that indicates a particular flaw in our character. We can also
elicit opinions from those we trust about our behaviour, making certain to
first reassure them that we want their criticisms.
Suffer fools gladly
Fools have a different scale of values. They
place importance on short term matters – grabbing immediate money, getting
attention from the public or media, and looking good. They are ruled by their
ego and insecurities. They tend to enjoy drama and political intrigue for their
own sake. When they criticize, they always emphasize matters that are
irrelevant to the overall picture or argument. They are more interested in
career or position than in the truth. You can distinguish them by how little
they get done, or by how hard they make it for others to get results. They lack
a certain common sense, getting worked up about things that are not really
important while ignoring problems that will spell doom in the long term.
The natural tendency with fools is to lower
yourself to their level. They annoy you, get under your skin, and draw you into
a battle. In the process, you feel petty and confused. You simply waste
valuable time and emotional energy.
In dealing with fools you must adopt the
following philosophy: they are simply a part of life, like rocks or furniture.
Smile at their antics and tolerate their presence as you would a foolish child.
Avoid the madness of trying to change them. It is all part of human comedy, and
it is nothing to get upset about or lose sleep over. If they are causing you
trouble, you must neutralize the harm they do by keeping a steady eye on your
goals and what is important, and ignoring them if you can.
“It is a great folly
to hope that other men will harmonize with us; I have never hoped this. I have
always regarded each man as an independent individual, whom I endeavoured to
understand with all his peculiarities, but from whom I desired no further
sympathy. In this way have I been enabled to converse with every man, and thus
alone is produced the knowledge of various characters and the dexterity
necessary for the conduct of life."
- Johann Wolfgang Von
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Mysteries behind the Writing Process
“You learn writing by writing.” I have so often heard this
phrase and as the days go by, I understand the truths underlying behind it. When
I wrote a first draft and completed it last year, it was futile to try and edit
it. I didn’t know where to start and how to proceed further. It was because I can
never write a book linearly, chronologically. I might be writing about how they
had broken up yesterday and then write about how they fell in love today. So,
at the end of the first draft, I had these massive bunch of pages that talk
about the various scenes in people’s lives. The point of view and voices might
change a lot between the scenes too. That’s why, short stories and poetry
pretty much fitted me easily. I could hardly wander much there. Even if I did
tend to, like the loyal sheep dog herding sheep, my pen would be herded by my
stoic left brain to get back into the fence.
Something changed this time around. I started thinking about
plotting and structure. My good bunch of NaNoWriMo friends told me plotting was
not so bad for a pantser like me. So, after writing about nearly half of the
first draft, I took a break to think. NaNoWriMo is just writing – just word
count – thinking is not permitted. For 2-3 days, as my WC backlogged, I mulled
over my story and then made some index cards. I wrote down a few lines about
each scene I had written. Then, I placed them into the three act structure and
marked the scenes pivotal to the hero’s journey. Quickly, I realised the scenes
that were missing. Along the way, a perfectly thrilling climax showed itself up
in my brain. I jotted it all down in more cards and placed them in their right
slots. Hey presto, I was holding a cohesive draft in my hand.
I am still a pantser. It was after writing some 25000 words
that I found out how the story ended. By the way, I have another early draft
done some years ago for which I could never find an ending. So, at times, I
shudder when I think what if I hadn’t found an end to this too. Then I remember
Stephen King’s advice to keep writing as the characters do have to come out
somewhere. Now, for the first time, I have an interconnected organised
consistent draft. It still needs tons of editing but that is another story
Once this story is done, I am going back to those two
drafts. They were wonderful tales, close to my heart and I’m going to give it
my all to help them see the light of the day. Wish me luck!
Friday, November 21, 2014
Mastery by Robert Greene – A Summary (Part III)
Chapter III Absorb the Master’s Power: The Mentor Dynamic

To reach mastery requires some toughness and a constant connection
to reality. As an apprentice, it can be hard for us to challenge ourselves on
our own in the proper way, and to get a clear sense of our own weaknesses.
Developing discipline through challenging situations and perhaps suffering
along the way are no longer values that are promoted in our culture. People are
increasingly reluctant to tell each other the truth about themselves – their
weaknesses, their inadequacies, flaws in their work. This is abusive in the
long run. It makes it hard for people to gauge where they are or to develop
self-discipline. It makes them unsuited for the rigors of the journey to
mastery. It weakens people’s will.

Strategies for deepening the mentor dynamic
Choose the mentor according to your needs and
Gaze deep into the mentor’s mirror
Transfigure their ideas
Create a back-and-forth dynamic
Thomas Alva Edison had no schools or teachers in his life. He
turned to books, particularly anything he could find on science. In every city
he spent time in, he frequented the public library. when he found Michael
Faraday's two-volume Experimental
Researches in Electricity, he followed all the experiments laid out in it
and absorbed Faraday’s philosophical approach to science. Faraday became his
role model.

If you are forced into this path, you must follow Edison’s
example by developing extreme self-reliance. You become your own teacher and
mentor. You push yourself to learn from every possible source. You read more
books than those who have a formal education, developing this into a lifelong
habit. As much as possible, you try to apply your knowledge in some form of
experiment or practice. You find for yourself second degree mentors in the form
of public figures who can serve as role models. Reading and reflecting on their
experiences, you can gain some guidance.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Mastery by Robert Greene – A Summary (Part II)
Chapter II Submit to Reality: The Ideal Apprenticeship
Though writing is not provided as an apprenticeship, still
there can be lots learned from reading and analysing the works of great
writers, which in turn is a kind of passive apprenticeship.
The Apprenticeship
Phase has 3 stages:
Deep Observation - The Passive Mode
In this stage, we see how things work here,
the rules of the land, the power relationships, and communications flow. For a
would-be author, this could mean the way publishing works, the major players,
the way to approach publishers, queries, formats, etc.
Skills Acquisition - The Practice Mode
Apprentices usually learn the trade by
watching the masters and imitating them as closely as possible. They learn
through endless repetition and hands-on work. They need to focus deeply and not
make mistakes, as the materials they worked on were expensive in the Middle
Ages. Our brain is most suited to this kind of learning.
The cycle of accelerated returns
occurs when practice becomes easier and more interesting, leading to the
ability to practice for longer hours which increases skill level and makes
practice even more interesting. Reaching this stage should be our goal and this
is how we can do it:
Begin with one skill that you can master and
that serves as foundation for acquiring others. Develop concentration and avoid
multi-tasking. For an author, this could mean concentrating on character
development before moving on to dialogue, point of view, voice, plot, structure,
description and so on.
The initial stages of learning a skill involve
tedium. We need to accept and embrace this pain and boredom. Greene says
researchers have found out that it takes around 10,000 hours (around 7-10 years
of solid practice) to attain this level of expertise and this applies to not
only composers, chess players and athletes but writers too.
Experimentation – The Active Mode
This is the stage wherein we expose our
work to public, get criticism and work on it. We invent our own style, move
past fears and develop a detachment to the work – looking at it through the
eyes of others.
for completing the Ideal Apprenticeship
Value learning over money
When Benjamin Franklin turned down the proposal to get into his father’s
lucrative candle making business and entered his brother’s fickle printing
business, no one knew that he did it because he was determined to become a
writer. The new books all around him gave him a chance to study the texts in
detail and teach himself how to imitate their style in his own work. Martha
Graham says, ‘train yourself to get by with little money and make the most of
your youthful energy.’ Your thoughts will tend to revolve around what you value
most and you must value learning above everything else.
Keep expanding your horizons
Zora Neale Hurston lost her mother when she was 13 and was abandoned by
her father. She wandered among her various relatives and supported herself
doing housekeeping. In spite of it all,
the mind is free and it can wander across time and space. She did not let go of
her dream to become a writer. She chose the homes of the wealthiest white
people who had plenty of books for her housecleaning jobs. She memorised
portions on the sly and went over it in her head whenever she had free time. She
got a strange sort of literary education. As the years passed by, she advanced
her knowledge, gained formal knowledge and became the first black female writer
ever to make a living from her work. Her story tells us that
No one will give you direction
You have to do it yourself, and
With great energy
Reading books and materials that go beyond what
is required is always a good starting point.
Mingle with different types of people
Outside schooling helps
Be relentless in your pursuit for expansion.
Revert to a feeling of inferiority
Learning disabilities tend to fester and grow in our minds as we grow
older. This includes smugness and superiority as well as rigid ideas about what
is real or true. Revert to a feeling of dependence.
Trust the process
What separates Masters from others is often something surprisingly
simple. Whenever we learn a skill, we frequently reach a point of frustration –
what we are learning seems beyond our capabilities. It is not just a matter of
determination but also trust and faith. We need to overcome this frustration
and enter the cycle of accelerated returns.
When it comes to mastering a skill, time is the magic ingredient. Impatience,
boredom, panic, frustration and insecurity are the real impediments.
Move toward resistance and pain
When John Keats was 8, his father passed away and his mother died 7 years
later. Being the eldest child, he was taken out of school and enrolled as an
apprentice to a surgeon. However, he had developed a love for literature in the
last few terms at school and he returned to school during off-hours and read as
many book as he could in the library. He wanted to try his hand at writing
poetry. So, he read the works of all the greatest poets of the 17th
and 18th centuries. He then wrote his own poems, using the poetic
form and style of the particular writer he was trying to model himself after. He
had a knack for imitation and soon he was creating verses in dozens of
different styles, always tweaking them a little with his own voice.
Several years into this process, Keats decided to devote his life to
writing poetry. He needed to make a living at it. To complete the rigorous
apprenticeship he had already put himself through, he decided that what he
needed was to write a very long poem about 4000 lines in seven months. He will
write 50 lines a day, until he had a first draft. After some 3000 lines, he
hated the poem he was writing but still he willed his way through and met the
deadline he had set.
In the aftermath of writing what he considered to be a mediocre poem,
Keats learned some valuable lessons:
He would never ever suffer from writer’s block
again – he had trained himself to write past any obstacle
He had acquired now the habit of writing
quickly, with intensity and focus – concentrating his work in a few hours.
He could revise with equal speed
He had learned how to criticize himself and his
overly romantic tendencies.
He could look at his own work with a cold eye.
He had learned that it was in the actual writing
of the poem that the best ideas would often come to him, and that he had to
boldly keep writing or he would miss such discoveries.
He had also hit upon the style that suited him –
language as compact and dense with imagery as possible, with not a single
wasted line.
By nature, we humans shrink from anything that seems possibly painful or
overtly difficult. Knowing that in our practice we can let down our guard,
since we are not being watched or under pressure to perform, we bring to this a
kind of dispersed attention. We tend to get conventional in our practice routines
and follow what others have done. To attain mastery, you must adopt RESISTANCE PRACTICE:
You resist the temptation to be nice to
yourself. You become your own worst critic. You recognise your weaknesses and
you work on it. You find a kind of perverse pleasure in moving past the pain
this might bring.
You resist the lure of easing up on your focus. Concentrate
in practice with double the intensity. You give yourself arbitrary deadlines to
meet certain standards, constantly pushing yourself past perceived limits. In this
way you develop your own standards for excellence, generally higher than those
of others.
Apprentice yourself in failure
There are two kinds of failure-
Failure from never trying out ideas since you
are afraid or because you are waiting for the perfect time. This timidity will
destroy you as you can never learn from this kind of failure.
Failure from a bold and venturesome spirit. The hit
to your reputation in this case will be far outweighed by what you learn. So,
act on your ideas as early as possible, expose them to public and have a part
of you hope they will fail.
Combine the “how” and the “what”
We live in two worlds - the world of appearances, the forms of things that
captivate our eye and the world of “how”, how things function, their anatomy,
the parts that work together to form the whole. Some five hundred years ago,
art and science split. Renaissance combined these two forms of knowledge and this
is why the works of Leonardo da Vinci still fascinates us. A more rounded
knowledge is the way of the future as so much information is now available to
us. This should be a part of our apprenticeship.
Advance through trial and error
You must learn as many skills as possible. You should avoid the trap of
following one set career path. Though you don’t know where it will lead, you
should take full advantage of the openness of information. You see what kind of
work suits you and what you want to avoid at all costs. You move by trial and
There are no shortcuts or ways to bypass the apprenticeship phase. Mozart
and Einstein seem to appear like creative geniuses out of nowhere. Mozart started
when he was four. He wrote his original and substantial piece of music after 10
years of composing. Einstein began his serious thought experiments when he was
16 and came up with his first revolutionary theory of relativity after 10
“It is like chopping down a huge tree of immense girth. You won’t
accomplish it with one swing of your axe. If you keep chopping away at it,
though, and do not let up, eventually, whether it wants to or not, it will
suddenly topple down. When that time comes, you round up everyone you could
find and pay them to hold the tree up, but they wouldn’t be able to do it. It would
still come crushing to the ground… But if the woodcutter stopped after one or
two strokes of his axe to ask the third son of Mr. Chang, “Why doesn’t this
tree fall?” And after three or four more strokes stopped again to ask the
fourth son of Mr. Li, “Why doesn’t this tree fall?” he would never succeed in
felling the tree. It is no different for someone who is practicing the Way.”
Zen Master Hakun
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Mastery by Robert Greene – A Summary (Part I)
by Robert Greene – A Summary (Part I)
I have reviewed this
book before but after the second reading, I realised that the concepts within its
pages are intense and the ideas too many that having a summary would definitely
help me.
Disclaimer: This summary is my interpretation of the book to suit my pursuits,
dreams and goals.
“Why do we need mastery? Why work years when you can achieve
so much power with so little effort? Technology will solve everything.” Do not
have this passivity. Do not believe the moral stance that says, ‘mastery and
power are evil’. You will unconsciously lower your sights as to what you can
accomplish in life. This can diminish your levels of effort and discipline
below the point of effectiveness. Do not listen more to others than to your own
voice. Do not choose a career based on what peers and parents tell you or on
what seems lucrative. Lack of true desire will catch up with you and your work
will become mechanical. So,
See your attempt at attaining mastery as
something extremely necessary and positive. The passive ironic attitude is not
cool or romantic, but pathetic and destructive.
People get the mind and quality of brain that
they deserve through their actions in life. Work to see how far you can extend
control of your circumstances and create the kind of mind you desire.
As you progress, old ideas and perspectives die off; as new
powers are unleashed, you are initiated into higher levels of seeing the world.
Anything that is alive is in a continual state of change and movement. The moment
that you rest, thinking that you have attained the level you desire, a part of
your mind enters a phase of decay.
“The geniuses all possessed that seriousness of the
efficient workman who first learns to construct the parts properly before he ventures
to fashion a great whole; they allowed themselves time for it, because they
took more pleasure in making the little, secondary things well than in the
effect of a dazzling whole.” – Friedrich Nietzsche.
Section I Discover your calling: The Life’s Task
“Just as a well-filled day brings blessed sleep, so a
well-employed life brings a blessed death.” – Leonardo da Vinci.
The way to mastery can begin at any point in life. The process
of realizing your Life’s Task comes in 3 stages:
You must connect
or reconnect with your inclinations - that sense of uniqueness. This step
is inward. Clear away confusing voices (parents and peers) and look for an
underlying pattern, a core to your character that you must understand as deeply
as possible.
Look at the career path you already on or are
about to begin. The choice of this path
– or redirection of it – is critical. Talking about work-life balance seems
illogical as work forms a large part of life. To see work as a means to earn
money to seek pleasure in the hours after work is a sad way of experiencing
life. Work should be inspiring and engaging. (I have some reservations with
this view of Greene. Isn’t it said that an artist works better on a filled
stomach? Also, this may be more applicable when you start out in life as a
15-18 year old not as a married with kids 30+ year old. I’m not going into the
arguments as this is just a summary and not an analysis.)
Finally, you must see your career more as a journey with twists and turns rather
than a straight line.
Begin by choosing a field or position that
roughly corresponds to your inclinations. Don’t start with something too lofty
or too ambitious.
Make a living and establish some confidence. Discover
side routes that attract you and discard ones that leave you cold. Keep expanding
your skill base.
Eventually, you will hit upon a particular field,
niche, or opportunity that suits you perfectly. You will recognise it when you
find it because it will spark that childlike sense of wonder and excitement; it
will feel right.
Once found, everything will fall in place. You will
learn more quickly and more deeply. Your skill level will reach a point where
you will be able to claim your independence from within the group you work for
and move out on your own.
You will no longer be subject to the whims of tyrannical
bosses or scheming peers.
What we lack most in the modern world is a sense of a larger
purpose to our lives. “Become who you are by learning who you are” – Pindar.
Strategies for finding your Life’s Task
“Whoever is born with a talent, or to a talent, must surely
find in that the most pleasing of occupations!” Wolfgang Goethe
Return to your origins – The primal inclination
In order to master a field, you must love the subject and feel a profound
connection to it. Your interest must transcend the field itself and border on
the religious.
Occupy the perfect niche – The Darwinian
Choose a niche that corresponds to your deepest inclinations – one that
you can dominate. It is not a simple process to find such a niche. It requires
patience and a particular strategy:
Choose a field that corresponds to your
From there, you can look for side paths that
attract you and move into a narrower field. You keep doing this till you hit an
unoccupied niche.
Or, you master one field, then another and
create a new field combining both or you make novel connections between them.
Avoid the false path- The rebellion strategy
Do not choose a path for money, fame, attention, etc. Don’t act out
anxieties and the need to please parents. Scoff at the need for attention and
approval – they will lead you astray. Let your sense of rebellion fill you with
energy and purpose.
Let go of the past – The adaptation strategy
If change is forced on you, do not overreact or feel sorry for yourself. Don’t
abandon the skills and experience gained but find a new way to apply them. These
creative readjustments might lead to a superior path.
Find your way back – The life-or-death strategy
good can ever come from deviating from the path you are destinied to follow. Don’t
deviate on the lure of money. It will take you further away from the path. Keep
your focus on 5-10 years down the road, when you will reap the rewards of your
efforts. The process of getting there is full of challenges and pleasures.
Ignore weaknesses and resist the temptation to be more like
others. Direct yourself towards the simple things you are good at rather than
making grand plans for the future. Concentrate on becoming proficient in these skills
and develop confidence. Learn the value of discipline and reap the rewards.
“Sooner or later something seems to call us onto a particular
path. You may remember this “something” as a signal calling in childhood when
an urge out of nowhere, a fascination, a peculiar turn of events struck like an
anunciation: This is what I must do, this is what I’ve got to have. This is who
I am… if not this vivid or sure, the call may have been more like gentle
pushings in the stream in which you drifted unknowingly to a particular spot on
the bank. Looking back, you sense that fate had a hand in it… A calling may be
postponed, avoided, intermittently missed, it may also possess you completely. Whatever;
eventually it will out. It makes its claim… extraordinary people display
calling most evidently. Perhaps that’s why they fascinate. Perhaps, too, they
are extraordinary because their calling comes through so clearly and they are
so loyal to it… extraordinary people bear the better witness because they show
what ordinary mortals simply can’t. We seem to have less motivation and more
distraction. Yet our destiny is driven by the same universal engine. Extraordinary
people are not a different category; the workings of this engine in them are
simply more transparent…”
James Hillman
Thursday, October 30, 2014
One more day to go...
Just a day to go for NaNoWriMo…
What an exciting place to be! The TATA LitLive Fest is on
with dozens of interesting authors, books and programmes. Now that I have
decided on my story and worked out a rough outline, shouldn’t all my thoughts
be on writing it down? Is this literary fest an opportunity for
The last 50 or so days I had written every day. I told
myself that it is just like brushing my teeth. There are no holidays for that
and so it is going to be with writing. The intelligent procrastinator within me
argued that brushing doesn’t take more than 10 minutes a day, even if I include
gargling and flossing and multiply it by two. So, I told myself it is okay even
if I write for just 10 minutes a day but there was one rule – the writing should be on the latest
fiction piece I’m working on and I need to write at least 100 words. No blog
articles, no journaling, no poetry, no new story, no idea outlines, etc. Only
stuff relating to the current piece permitted.
“You have to finish things – that’s what you learn from, you
learn by finishing things.” Neil Gaimann.
I am trying to do just that for the last month. Sometimes, I
wind up in 10 minutes but sometimes I get into the flow. However, that putting
the ‘butt-in-the-chair’ part every day is the hardest of all. It is only now I’m
getting used to that! At last, in time for NaNoWriMo! Since I have started this
regularly, I have started recognising my usual chores as invented ‘resistance’
(procrastinators). I have grown wary of my headaches, drowsiness, cleaning
sprees, cooking sprees, partying mode and lots more. So, I’m wondering and
hoping that this yearning to attend the litfest is not another procrastination
stunt! What do you think?
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